Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the lab with a pen and a pad

I am posting a little note that I wrote on May 1st of this year while I sat in my Political Science class. I did not have a blog then so I had to resort to caveman resources like pen and paper. I do not mean to offend anybody, at least not specifically, but to some this may seem a bit aggressive. I guess I was always told to be aggressive.

May 1st, 2008

Dear Diary, (I don't technically have a diary)

What has motivated me to write this? Oddly enough it happens to be the brutal class that I am sitting through, a class filled with many well educated, but very ignorant academics. With out fail, every year, every quarter, almost everyday (depending on if I go to class) I'm slapped in the face by the unfortunate aroma of blind liberalism. I can't run form it, I can't hide from it, but nor should I. When will these socialists stop thinking that our great country, America, is the enemy? Open your eyes and read some history. While the USA is by no means perfect, it is refreshingly and consistently a beacon of light in a dark world. When will we stop worrying about the opinions of insignificant countries on our policy? Guess what foreigners? This country that you all envy, acts in its own interest. I know, the audacity right? How selfish can those Americans be? Can't they quit pushing people around, sit down and have tea and crumpets with their enemies? Sorry, the answer is usually no. The idea that diplomacy is always the answer is about as crazy as the Mormon religion. You know why? Because countries such as Russia, Iran, China and North Korea, wait for it...they act in their own interest too! I know you're thinking, but they haven't seem Barrack Obama, and you're right. Lord willing, they never will. He will not be able to beat them into submission with charisma and verbal eloquence. Look how that worked for Great Britain in WWII. Talk to Hitler, give in, then do it all over again until German bombs are crashing down on the London Bridge. Bye Bye England as a world power. How many had to die in the name of diplomacy? Think about it, soft power can work, but at times hard power is the only option. Thats all for today. Got to go learn about Empires (Hist 245). USA!

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