Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lost at Sea

It pains me to admit, but for the sixth year in a row our beloved Seattle Mariners are most likely not going to make the playoffs. Believe me, I haven't forgotten of the "refuse to lose" 1995 season in which we stormed back to force a one game playoff with the then California Angels, but the days of the Kid, the sweet swinging Edgar, and the Big Unit are long gone. No longer is Jay Buhner roaming the turf in the dome. No longer is Bobby Ayala closing games, yes that's right my friends I said it, Bobby Ayala. Nope, today our most exiting player is not a 5 tool power hitting phenom who not only hits homeruns, but takes them away. Our most exiting player is a slap hitting singles hitter who refuses to dive. Hey, I know Ichiro can hit, he has done some amazing things since 2001, but it doesn't matter how many singles you hit when the middle of the order is laced with bats like Jose Vidro, Adrian Beltre, and Richie Sexson. While Beltre's power numbers have increased this year he is still hitting .250 and we all know how Ritchie has been doing. But, what really can you expect from this lineup. You have a revolving door of minor league players in right, a Designated Hitter who has less power than Willie Bloomquist and is an anchor on the bases, and needless to say first base is not giving much offensively. They need offense. Right now it takes three singles to score unless Ibanez hits one off the Hit it Here Cafe once a month. It is just to bad, because we actually have pitching for a change too.

Oh well, another year gone by and all we Mariner fans can do is hope that Griffey comes back giving us something to get excited about. From time to time we can pop in the old VHS "My Oh My" about the 95 season and dream of the days of old. The days when being down 13.5 games to the Angels was the makings of a great story. Oh ya, don't forget to watch that San Fransisco Giants pitcher Tim Lincecum who was obviously not good enough for a number 5 pick in the draft. Sure he is 7-1 with a 2.23 ERA, but nobody and I mean nobody can close out the 8th inning like Brandon Morrow. Go Mariners!

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Peter Roy said...

this is your best post ever!

Travis said...

Tim who? Morrow is in right now and almost has a strike out. ALMOST!