Being recently married (Dec.29th) I thought it was unbelievable when I came across the estimated divorce rate in our country: 50%. How can this be? Does marriage even mean anything anymore? What ever happened to "till death d0 us part," and crossing your fingers doesn't count. When I decided that I wanted to marry my wife, I knew that she was the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and I couldn't see it any other way. We dated for nearly five years. Come on people, quit rushing into marriage with no idea what you are getting into. Be sure that the one you are marrying is the right one for you and quit being so selfish. You here stories all the time of marriages that suddenly end after numerous years because one of them realized who they really want to be, in other words had a mid life crisis. Wake up. Before you go dying your hair, start wearing teenagers clothes, and frequent various clubs, think about the things that made you get married in the first place before you throw it all away. Put the remote down, quit watching brutal unrealistic shows like Rock of Love, A Shot at Love, and of course the Real World, and take a dose of reality. You made a commitment, one that is supposed to last a life time, so get over yourself and fight to make it last. Don't turn into a statistic.
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